Where Do All The Pets Go? A Coloring Book to Help Kids with Pet Loss.
Where Do All the Pets Go? An inclusive coloring book with interactive activities to help children navigate the loss of a beloved animal companion.
Where Do All the Pets Go? Good Question! One day our pets will leave us, and it's ok to feel sad or mad or even bad. Our pets are our best friends... Lue lisää
Where Do All the Pets Go? An inclusive coloring book with interactive activities to help children navigate the loss of a beloved animal companion.
Where Do All the Pets Go? Good Question! One day our pets will leave us, and it's ok to feel sad or mad or even bad. Our pets are our best friends... Lue lisää
Where Do All the Pets Go? Good Question! One day our pets will leave us, and it's ok to feel sad or mad or even bad. Our pets are our best friends and family, and it's always sad when our family have to go away. Let's read and color all the places they might go and talk about their journey along the way. Are you ready?
So many of us have gone through the journey of loss of a beloved pet when we were younger and really struggled with the sadness and many questions afterwards. Questions maybe our family couldn't or didn't want to answer because lots of us were taught never to talk about death in an open and honest way - let alone about our animal companions.
Sadly there is still so much shame and stigma around pet loss which we hope to change by offering coloring books like "Where Do All the Pets Go?" to help kids understand all the different feelings and questions about this deep loss. For many people, the death of a pet is one of the first significant losses they experience and it sets the tone for how they deal with future losses going forward (and this doesn't even have to be related specifically to death).
We wanted to create an inclusive and easy to follow coloring book for kids age (around 4-10) to walk through the process of losing a pet which will allow children and families to create a dialogue around this really difficult, yet beautiful, process. We believe that the activity of coloring the pages and completing interactive games (with help if needed) will allow children to open up more about their feelings, provide validation, and allow them to ask questions and talk about their pet in a way that makes them feel like they are ok no matter how they are feeling.
There is no shying away from talking about death and labeling it as such with this book. We believe that being honest with children is so important in helping them process the loss, and the many losses they will experience in their lifetime. This book will help set the tone for how they process grief and loss as they continue to grow.
Included: A place to dedicate the book to your own petsColoring book pagesInteractive puzzlesSelf-Expression journal page
"Where Do All the Pets Go?" was written and designed by founder of Pet Loss Light and Shop Modern Pet Loss (coming soon), a Pet Loss Grief Support Specialist and Certified Coach, Erin N. Johnson. She is a huge animal lover and supports people going through the difficult, yet beautiful process of losing a pet. The bonds with our animals are so special and it is truly a gift that we get to have them as part of our families, albeit for too short a time.
- Kustantaja / Valmistaja Pet Loss Light
- ISBN 9780578367279
- Tuotekoodi 9780578367279
- Kirjoittajat Erin N. Johnson
- Kieli Englanti
- Ilmestymispäivä 22.07.2022
- Vuosi 2022
- Tuoteryhmä Ulk lasten- ja nuortenkirjat
- Tuotepääryhmä Ulkomaiset kirjat
- Tuotelinja Kirjat
- Ikäsuositus alkaen 4
- Ikäsuositus päättyen 10
- Sivumäärä 26
- Avainsanat Animals - Pets; Activity Books - Coloring; Social Topics - Death, Grief, Bereavement
- Kirjastoluokka JNF
- Pituus (mm) 279
- Leveys (mm) 216
- Korkeus (mm) 1
- Paino (g) 86
- Tuotemuoto Pehmeäkantinen
- Tuotemuodon lisätiedot Trade pokkari (US)
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