Pray a Word a Day Volume 1: Connecting with God One Word at a Time
Communication with God every day is an effective way to know Him better and to understand His message. Ponder on His words with this daily prayer book for women and men. Guide your daily life through scripture reading and personal exercises within the pages of these Christian prayer books for wom... Lue lisää
Communication with God every day is an effective way to know Him better and to understand His message. Ponder on His words with this daily prayer book for women and men. Guide your daily life through scripture reading and personal exercises within the pages of these Christian prayer books for wom... Lue lisää
Inside this Christian Book of Prayer Exercises:
365 Non-Dated Daily Devotionals for Women & Men: Allot sacred, undivided time with the Lord every day with this daily prayer book for men and women. Start at any time of the year. Your Creator welcomes you to know Him, whether you begin your journey on New Year's Day or Easter.
Single-Word Focus for Spiritual Exploration: Build your faith with this unique 365 daily devotional for women and men. Each day's entry presents a single word such as "goodness" or "silence" as a focal point. Center your prayer around this word and let it blossom in your heart. This technique allows you to approach your knowledge of Christ with fresh daily inspirations for women and men.
Selected Scripture & Uplifting Bible Quotes: It is by hearing God's word that faith increases. Reading about His miracles will help lessen doubt and fear in your mind. As you meet the Lord in your quiet place, be assured that He will always be there waiting for you. Invite Him into your heart and get to know Him through His word with these Bible devotionals for women and men.
A 2-Minute Reflection on God's Message: There can be a lot of distractions competing for your attention towards God. Through the structure of these devotional books for women and men, you will focus on His wisdom alone. This book of 365 days of prayer for men and women gives you the grace to persevere as you learn to surrender to God day by day.
An Original Prayer from a Christian Heart to Yours: You are never alone. As you study God's message through this men and women's devotional book, know that other souls are supporting you. Overcome your struggles and face your challenges with the same faith in your heart that also lives in another Christian heart.
A Precious Gift to All Christians: These religious gifts for women and men are suitable for any Christian, no matter the age or profession. Help another soul develop the discipline of knowing God with these devotional books. Assist another in focusing their attention on God's purposes and promises. May their knowledge and love of Him grow deeper with each day.
God's word has the final authority over your life. Allow this daily Bible devotional for women and men to help you stay the course on your walk with the Lord. Spending time with Him through daily practice will help you to apply His principles to the choices you make in life.
Whether you need comfort, direction or correction, God's word is always available. Rely on His wisdom and commune with Him through these daily devotions for women and men. May it bring you joy and peace in the midst of difficulties.
- Kustantaja / Valmistaja Guideposts
- ISBN 9781959633518
- Tuotekoodi 9781959633518
- Kirjoittajat Editors of Guideposts
- Kieli Englanti
- Ilmestymispäivä 27.02.2024
- Vuosi 2024
- Tuoteryhmä Ulk filosofia, psykologia
- Tuotepääryhmä Ulkomaiset kirjat
- Tuotelinja Kirjat
- Sivumäärä 386
- Avainsanat Christian Living - Spiritual Growth; Prayerbooks - Christian
- Kirjastoluokka REL
- Pituus (mm) 216
- Leveys (mm) 140
- Korkeus (mm) 24
- Paino (g) 404
- Tuotemuoto Pehmeäkantinen
- Tuotemuodon lisätiedot Trade pokkari (US)
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