How to Leave the Mormon Church: An Exmormon's Guide to Rebuilding After Religion
Where will you go? After more than 20 years of devotion to the Mormon church, Alyssa Grenfell decided it was time to find out. Join her in a journey of faith deconstruction with this definitive manual to rebuilding after Mormonism.
Consider this the last church handbook you'll ever need!How to... Lue lisää
Where will you go? After more than 20 years of devotion to the Mormon church, Alyssa Grenfell decided it was time to find out. Join her in a journey of faith deconstruction with this definitive manual to rebuilding after Mormonism.
Consider this the last church handbook you'll ever need!How to... Lue lisää
Consider this the last church handbook you'll ever need!How to Leave the Mormon Church is the indispensable guide for navigating your way out of the Mormon church. After losing your faith, your first thought was likely, "Now what?" Read this book for advice on: Deciding whether or not to leave the churchSharing your news with family and friendsInvestigating new beliefs and frameworksProtecting your mental health during the transitionMoving forward with purpose and intentionOrdering coffee and cocktails for the first timeOvercoming shame surrounding sex and sexualityDating outside the churchExamining and renegotiating political opinionsLeaving Mormonism AND Exmormonism behind
...and so much more! Leaving the church is more than throwing out your garments or taking your name off the church roster. Mormonism is an all-encompassing, high demand religion that seeps into every aspect of your life. This is the comprehensive manual for completely-mentally, emotionally and physically-leaving The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Praise for How to Leave the Mormon Church: "How to Leave the Mormon Church is a book that was needed for years. It was a book that I wanted to write and tried to write but thankfully I don't have to write. Alyssa did an amazing job with this guide that will help so many folks to navigate what can often be a turbulent process and journey. Use the guardrails that Alyssa set up for you and you'll safely be on your way."
-Jeremy Runnells, Author of CES Letter "I was struck by how thoroughly Alyssa addresses the hurdles faced by those who leave the church. Her encouraging voice will support you with each step along this unknown path. Her compassionate and informed writing approaches the sensitive subject of faith deconstruction with a style that is personal, thoughtful, direct, and fearless. This book is an essential companion for those who feel lost, alone, and confused once their Mormon shelf breaks. Frankly, it is the resource I so desperately needed in the days, months, and years after my own loss of faith."
-John Dehlin, Ph.D., Founder of and Host of Mormon Stories "What many of us leaving the LDS Church are looking for is a friend. In her vulnerable storytelling and resource sharing, Alyssa brings that friendship to life. This book is a great sounding board to ask questions, access support and get curious about new and old beliefs. It's a great reminder that in what many consider to be one of the loneliest and disorienting chapters of their lives, you don't have to do it alone."
-Chelsea Homer, Founder of Faith Journey Meetups and Lost & Found Club
- Kustantaja / Valmistaja Alyssa Grenfell
- ISBN 9798989310517
- Tuotekoodi 9798989310517
- Kirjoittajat Alyssa Grenfell
- Kieli Englanti
- Ilmestymispäivä 07.01.2024
- Vuosi 2024
- Tuoteryhmä Ulk filosofia, psykologia
- Tuotepääryhmä Ulkomaiset kirjat
- Tuotelinja Kirjat
- Sivumäärä 290
- Avainsanat General; Personal Growth - General
- Kirjastoluokka SEL
- Pituus (mm) 229
- Leveys (mm) 152
- Korkeus (mm) 17
- Paino (g) 426
- Tuotemuoto Pehmeäkantinen
- Tuotemuodon lisätiedot Trade pokkari (US)
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