Dogma of Hell, The Pehmeäkantinen, englanti

Francois Xavier Schouppe

Dogma of Hell, The

Francois Xavier Schouppe

The doctrine of hell is one of the four last things. Father Schouppe gives a terrifying presentation of this doctrine that will inspire people to avoid this horrible place and to save their soul. We need to study this truth carefully so that we realize just how important it is to become a Saint. ... Lue lisää

Pehmeäkantinen, englanti
17,95 €
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The doctrine of hell is one of the four last things. Father Schouppe gives a terrifying presentation of this doctrine that will inspire people to avoid this horrible place and to save their soul. We need to study this truth carefully so that we realize just how important it is to become a Saint. ... Lue lisää

The doctrine of hell is one of the four last things. Father Schouppe gives a terrifying presentation of this doctrine that will inspire people to avoid this horrible place and to save their soul. We need to study this truth carefully so that we realize just how important it is to become a Saint. Let us consider this story: The following incident happened in 1837. A young under-lieutenant, being in Paris, entered the Church of the Assumption, near the Toilers, and saw a priest kneeling near a confessional. As he made religion the habitual subject of his jokes, he wished to go to confession to while away the time, and went into the confessional. "Monsieur l'abbé," he said, "would you be good enough to hear my confession?" "Willingly my son; confess unrestrained." "But I must first say that I am a rather unique kind of a sinner." "No matter; the sacrament of penance has been instituted for all sinners." "But I am not very much of a believer in religious matters." "You believe more than you think." "Believe? I? I am a regular scoffer." The confessor saw with whom he had to deal, and that there was some mystification. He replied, smiling: "You are a regular scoffer? Are you then making fun of me too?" The pretended penitent smiled in like manner. "Listen," the priest went on, "what you have just done here is not serious. Let us leave confession aside; and, if you please, have a little chat. I like military people greatly; and, then, you have the appearance of a good, amiable youth. Tell me, what is your rank?" "Under-lieutenant." "Will you remain an under-lieutenant long?" "Two, three, perhaps four years." "And after?" "I shall hope to become a lieutenant?" "And after?" "I hope to become a captain." "And after?" "Lieutenant-colonel?" "How old will you be then?" "Forty to forty-five years." "And after that?" "I shall become a brigadier general." "And after?" "If I rise higher, I shall be general of a division." "And after?" "After! there is nothing more except the Marshal's baton; but my pretensions do not reach so high." "Well and good. But do you intend to get married?" "Yes, when I shall be a superior officer." "Well! There you are married; a superior officer, a general, perhaps even a French marshal, who knows? And after?" "After? Upon my word, I do not know what will be after." "See, how strange it is!" said the abbé. Then, in a tone of voice that grew more sober: "You know all that shall happen up to that point, and you do not know what will be after. Well, I know, and I am going to tell you, After, you shall die, be judged, and, if you continue to live as you do, you shall be damned, you shall go and burn in hell; that is what will be after." As the under-lieutenant, dispirited at this conclusion, seemed anxious to steal away: "One moment, sir," said the abbé. "You are a man of honor. So am I. Agree that you have offended me, and owe me an apology. It will be simple. For eight days, before retiring to rest, you will say: 'One day I shall die; but I laugh at the idea. After my death I shall be judged; but I laugh at the idea. After my judgment, I shall be damned; but I laugh at the idea. I shall burn forever in hell; but I laugh at the idea!' That is all. But you are going to give me your word of honor not to neglect it, eh?" More and more wearied, and wishing, at any price, to extricate himself from this false step, the under-lieutenant made the promise. In the evening, his word being given, he began to carry out his promise. "I shall die," he says. "I shall be judged." He had not the courage to add: "I laugh at the idea." The week had not passed before he returned to the Church of the Assumption, made his confession seriously, and came out of the confessional his face bathed with tears, and with joy in his heart.
  • Kustantaja / Valmistaja Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
  • ISBN 9781496092465
  • Tuotekoodi 9781496092465
  • Kirjoittajat Francois Xavier Schouppe
  • Toimittanut Brother Hermenegild Tosf
  • Kieli Englanti
  • Ilmestymispäivä 27.02.2014
  • Vuosi 2014
  • Tuoteryhmä Ulk filosofia, psykologia
  • Tuotepääryhmä Ulkomaiset kirjat
  • Tuotelinja Kirjat
  • Sivumäärä 128
  • Avainsanat Christianity - Catholic
  • Kirjastoluokka REL
  • Pituus (mm) 229
  • Leveys (mm) 152
  • Korkeus (mm) 7
  • Paino (g) 181
  • Tuotemuoto Pehmeäkantinen
  • Tuotemuodon lisätiedot Trade pokkari (US)

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