Co-Regulation Handbook
Do you know a child who struggles to get started with things or who resists trying something new? Maybe they argue or have trouble joining other kids in conversation and play. Do you hear yourself prompting your child again and again? Do you feel frustrated or stuck, and long for a better way - ... Lue lisää
Do you know a child who struggles to get started with things or who resists trying something new? Maybe they argue or have trouble joining other kids in conversation and play. Do you hear yourself prompting your child again and again? Do you feel frustrated or stuck, and long for a better way - ... Lue lisää
"In this book, Ms. Murphy explains co-regulation as a way of being with, doing together, and teaching children with learning challenges. Instead of the adult directing and prompting the child through endless steps of an activity, a common method that can quickly become frustrating for all involved, with a co-regulation approach, the adult sets up activities such that the child has a specific role, one in which they are competent, and through this role the child, from the start, successfully participates in the whole, meaningful activity, and--and perhaps most importantly--participates in harmony together with the adult. More learning comes through creating alterations to the child's role (e.g., swapping roles), or adding complexity to the role or to the activity itself. In this way adults expand children's competence through meaningful participation and from a place of harmonious interaction. Activities included as examples are as disparate as cooking, playing games, and playdates. As in her Declarative Language Handbook, Ms. Murphy presents complex material with clarity and compelling, illustrative examples. This book will be invaluable for parents as well as teachers, and therapists across disciplines."Karen Levine, Ph.D., PsychologistLecturer on Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School
"When Declarative Language Handbook came out I recommended the book to my Facebook and YouTube followers, many of whom shared with me how grateful they were for recommending the book to them. I will be doing the same with Co-Regulation Handbook. The brilliance of Linda's writing is her ability to make concepts practical and she provides clear and concise directions regarding how to implement strategies. Linda's voice fills a tremendous need in the ADHD world, which for decades has ignored the incredibly important role language plays in building skills. Like Declarative Language Handbook, I consider this book a necessity for parents of kids with ADHD."Ryan Wexelblatt, LCSW, ADHD-CCSP (ADHD Dude)
"This book is a beautifully written guide on how to form a deep, meaningful and impactful partnership with your child. This is important for any child, but when your child experiences the world differently this partnership is invaluable. I have watched my son (and myself!) grow in so many ways since we started practicing co-regulation, and I feel so much more equipped to help him navigate a world that can be confusing and scary to him. In this book Linda will walk you through the process of learning about co-regulation in an easy to read and fun way. This book is a MUST READ, the knowledge in these pages will help transform the child's experience and set the stage to learn and grow together in a positive and meaningful way."Charlie's Mom
"Relationship is the key to unlocking true reciprocal communication, intrinsic motivation, and a strong sense of self. Linda Murphy's companion books, Declarative Language Handbook and Co-regulation Handbook, are clear, concise and communicate core principles of person-centered care I find foundational in my work."Sherri Miller MS, CCC-SLP, Founder of Communicating Potential LLC
- Kustantaja / Valmistaja Linda K. Murphy
- ISBN 9781734516227
- Tuotekoodi 9781734516227
- Kirjoittajat Linda K. Murphy
- Kieli Englanti
- Ilmestymispäivä 25.02.2021
- Vuosi 2021
- Tuoteryhmä Ulk filosofia, psykologia
- Tuotepääryhmä Ulkomaiset kirjat
- Tuotelinja Kirjat
- Sivumäärä 148
- Avainsanat Learning Disabilities; Developmental - Child; Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Kirjastoluokka PSY
- Pituus (mm) 216
- Leveys (mm) 140
- Korkeus (mm) 8
- Paino (g) 177
- Tuotemuoto Pehmeäkantinen
- Tuotemuodon lisätiedot Trade pokkari (US)
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