Wealth Magick: The Secrets of Extreme Prosperity Pehmeäkantinen, englanti

Damon Brand

Wealth Magick: The Secrets of Extreme Prosperity

Damon Brand

In his popular Magickal Cashbook, Damon Brand taught readers how to attract money in moments. In Wealth Magick, he reveals the closely guarded secrets of the super-rich.The entire operation is made safe by three omnipotent angels who oversee the angels and demons that help you attain your desires... Lue lisää

Pehmeäkantinen, englanti
23,95 €
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In his popular Magickal Cashbook, Damon Brand taught readers how to attract money in moments. In Wealth Magick, he reveals the closely guarded secrets of the super-rich.The entire operation is made safe by three omnipotent angels who oversee the angels and demons that help you attain your desires... Lue lisää

In his popular Magickal Cashbook, Damon Brand taught readers how to attract money in moments. In Wealth Magick, he reveals the closely guarded secrets of the super-rich.The entire operation is made safe by three omnipotent angels who oversee the angels and demons that help you attain your desires. If the thought of working with demons makes you squeamish, try Magickal Riches instead.This book is designed for those who want to focus on long term wealth creation. It is not designed for those in desperate poverty, but for those who can afford to turn their attention to wealth. As you can see from the reviews, it works for those who put the time and effort in, fearlessly. If you are afraid, or unwilling to make the commitment, it's probably not for you.Damon says, 'To be clear, and for the sake of complete honesty, I am not super-rich, but I am extremely wealthy compared to where I was in previous years, and compared to my childhood I feel like a billionaire. To me this is extreme prosperity because I never have to worry about money, I get to do everything I want to do, go the places I want and own the things I've always dreamed of having.'How rich you become is up to you.Wealth Magick concentrates the best magick into a series of workings that will enable you to attract the wealth you desire. If you want money, it's yours.You do not have to spend years performing endless spells or make offerings to dangerous spirits. This method has been concentrated into the purest magick. You begin attracting wealth from day one.Magick is often over-complicated. Damon says, 'Before you know it you're trying ten different methods at once and your house is filled with candles, altars, incense and all sorts of images, crystals and magickal gadgets.'The good news is that most of this can be thrown out. Everything you need is contained in Wealth Magick.The magickal operations in this book are not about attracting a little extra cash. They are about creating a completely new lifestyle, based on a flow of extreme prosperity. This is not a quick fix, so only go ahead if you genuinely want to focus on creating wealth and if you are willing to accept the challenges and changes that come with extreme wealth.You will discover: The #1 mistake people make when trying to manifest moneyA set of secret seals, drawn from ancient texts and combined with modern magickHow to find out what you really want, and perform your magick safelyA quick ritual for attracting cash7 wealth workings that can not be found anywhere elseDISCLAIMER: Magick is not for everybody. If you are drawn to magick, you will get good results. If you are afraid of magick, you will not. The magick in Damon Brand's books has been developed by The Gallery of Magick to get results safely. There is plenty of evil in the world, but there is no evil in these books. You will not be punished by karma or chased down by demons, and there is no magickal backlash that will punish you for being rich. But if you are afraid of magick or think that magick is evil or that you are underserving of wealth, this book is not for you. If you're uncertain, you can read more about magick on the website. If you feel that magick can help you take control of your life, then welcome the power that this book offers.
  • Kustantaja / Valmistaja Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
  • ISBN 9781503050013
  • Tuotekoodi 9781503050013
  • Kirjoittajat Damon Brand
  • Kieli Englanti
  • Ilmestymispäivä 30.10.2014
  • Vuosi 2014
  • Tuoteryhmä Ulk terveys (lääket, eläinlääk)
  • Tuotepääryhmä Ulkomaiset kirjat
  • Tuotelinja Kirjat
  • Sivumäärä 84
  • Avainsanat Magick Studies; Occultism
  • Kirjastoluokka OCC
  • Pituus (mm) 229
  • Leveys (mm) 152
  • Korkeus (mm) 4
  • Paino (g) 122
  • Tuotemuoto Pehmeäkantinen
  • Tuotemuodon lisätiedot Trade pokkari (US)

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