U & U Collector's Edition
This special edition Paperback includes both The Untamed and The Unruly plus PLUS Bonus story Daddy Reed.
The UntamedI live in the Alaskan wild with my family because it's where I belong.Safe. Loved. Protected. Happy.Beyond our home is a violent, ruled society I don't ever care to encounter.My... Lue lisää
This special edition Paperback includes both The Untamed and The Unruly plus PLUS Bonus story Daddy Reed.
The UntamedI live in the Alaskan wild with my family because it's where I belong.Safe. Loved. Protected. Happy.Beyond our home is a violent, ruled society I don't ever care to encounter.My... Lue lisää
The UntamedI live in the Alaskan wild with my family because it's where I belong.Safe. Loved. Protected. Happy.Beyond our home is a violent, ruled society I don't ever care to encounter.My oldest brother already went that route, and it ruined him.Being around strangers means heartache, pain, and misery.I'll stick with what I know because that doesn't hurt.All I need are my siblings.They're my best friends.Life is fun with them.Together, we're free in the wild.But the wilderness is also the home of predators.Bears, bad weather, sickness.Other people.We thought we could live alone and unmolested by the latter.We were so wrong.With their sudden presence, everything about our lives is challenged.Loyalties become twisted.Hearts get tangled in the chaos.Feelings and urges cross impossible lines there's no coming back from.Bewildering. Depraved. Perverted. Dark. Vile.My secret desires are wrong.They threaten everything I hold so dear.I could fight against it if I were alone in these forbidden thoughts.I'm not.We're in this together.Our love is untamed.And we are the unruly.***The UnrulyThey took everything from us.Our home. Our family. Our freedom.We've been forced on a trip from hell with people we hate.With each step we take, we lose hope of ever making our way back home again.These people have a wicked agenda.We are their prey.They're brutal and cold.Every person in their group has twisted delusions.I need for my other brothers to rescue us and release us from our prison.As time quickly passes, I realize no one is coming for us.The only way we'll escape is if we save ourselves.I'll have to be smart and calculating.The timing needs to be just right.When we make our great escape, I'll finally be at liberty to explore the feelings I have for my brothers. Love, so pure and innocent, can't be a bad thing.Desperate. Starved. Agonizing. Desire.The way I ache for my siblings doesn't feel wrong.I can no longer fight against these forbidden cravings.We'll love in secret and hope our parents don't find out.Because, if they do discover what we've done, it could mean banishment, or worse.Whatever happens, we'll figure it out. We're in this together.Nothing will keep us apart ever again.Our love is untamed.And we are the unruly.
***The Untamed and The Unruly is a second generation forbidden romance in the Wild World taking place on the timeline after The Wild and The Free. While it's not necessary to have read the other two books, please note these characters are the children of Daddy Reed from The Wild. You'll see all of the characters from The Wild and The Free in The Untamed and The Unruly. Please read trigger warnings before proceeding.***
- Kustantaja / Valmistaja Author K Webster LLC
- ISBN 9798869117298
- Tuotekoodi 9798869117298
- Kirjoittajat K. Webster
- Kieli Englanti
- Ilmestymispäivä 15.09.2023
- Vuosi 2023
- Tuoteryhmä Ulk romaanit, runot, sarjakuvat
- Tuotepääryhmä Ulkomaiset kirjat
- Tuotelinja Kirjat
- Genretunnus RO
- Sivumäärä 642
- Avainsanat Romance - Contemporary; Romance - Suspense; Romance - New Adult
- Kirjastoluokka FIC
- Pituus (mm) 203
- Leveys (mm) 127
- Korkeus (mm) 35
- Paino (g) 758
- Tuotemuoto Kovakantinen
- Tuotemuodon lisätiedot Lankasidos
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