Ritz London, The
As featured on ITV''s ''Inside the Ritz'' series
''When you look at the dishes in this book, the photographs - it''s beyond beautiful. You wouldn''t need to cook a thing. You could just flick through these pages - it is a proper feast for the eyes.'' - Graham Nor... Lue lisää
As featured on ITV''s ''Inside the Ritz'' series
''When you look at the dishes in this book, the photographs - it''s beyond beautiful. You wouldn''t need to cook a thing. You could just flick through these pages - it is a proper feast for the eyes.'' - Graham Nor... Lue lisää
As featured on ITV''s ''Inside the Ritz'' series
''When you look at the dishes in this book, the photographs - it''s beyond beautiful. You wouldn''t need to cook a thing. You could just flick through these pages - it is a proper feast for the eyes.'' - Graham Norton
''As sumptuous as Williams''s exquisite cooking, this is a magnificent volume. And a fitting tribute to one of the world''s great restaurants. The recipes aren''t simple but this is one of those books to immerse yourself in. Five-star brilliance.'' - Tom Parker Bowles, Mail on Sunday
''Less a classic cookbook than a contemporary guide to gracious living... Subdividing its contents into four seasons, each is introed with a classic cocktail, and there are contributions from The Ritz''s stellar staff. But really this is Williams''s show, a masterclass in munificence...'' - British GQ
''A real tour de force ... Definitely the stand-out recipe book of the year for me.'' - The Caterer
''John Williams''s food at the Piccadilly institution is revered. Now it has brought out the cookbook so you can recreate the magic at home.'' - ES Magazine
''Part technical recipe book, part memoir. There are Williams''s memories of growing up in South Shields, the son of a trawlerman, who accompanied his mother on shopping trips to the butcher and developed a precocious taste for tripe and Jersey Royals. As for the recipes, certain classics are within the range of the dinner-party cook (salt-baked celeriac, for instance, or venison Wellington).'' - Telegraph
''A work of art, full of recipes exactly as they are made in the Ritz kitchen, beautifully photographed by John Carey. Marvel at the sheer amount of work and skill that goes into each dish, the processes and the perfectionism - and maybe start with the recipe for scones on page 112.'' - hot-dinners.com
''... As an exemplar of classic and timeless dishes, it is an invaluable book that lets the reader peer behind the screen of one of the capital''s most enduring institutions. For Williams'' anecdote on the eating habits of the late Margaret Thatcher, it is worth the cover price alone.'' - Big Hospitality
''Distinctive cookbook... This upscale offering is wholly in keeping with its subject: elegant, carefully studied, and more aspirational than practical.'' - Publishers Weekly
The Ritz: The Quintessential Cookbook is the first book to celebrate recipes of the dishes served today, at lunch and at dinner. The book features 100 delicious recipes, such as Roast scallops bergamot & avocado, Saddle of lamb belle époque and Grand Marnier Soufflé, and is divided into the four seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter.
The recipes reflect the glorious opulence and celebratory ambience of The Ritz; seasonal dishes of fish, shellfish, meat, poultry and game. Desserts include pastries, mousses, ice creams and spectacular, perfectly-risen soufflés. There are recipes that are simple and others for the more ambitious cook, plus helpful tips to guide you at home.
Along the way, John Williams shares his culinary philosophy and expertise. For any cook who has wondered how they do it at The Ritz, this book will provide the answers. There will be plenty of entertaining tales about the hotel and unique glimpses of London''s finest kitchen beneath ground.
- Kustantaja / Valmistaja Octopus Publishing Group
- ISBN 9781784724962
- Tuotekoodi 9781784724962
- Alanimike The Cookbook
- Kirjoittajat The Ritz Hotel (London) Limited; John Williams
- Kieli Englanti
- Thema-luokitus Ruoanlaitto ja reseptit
- Ilmestymispäivä 06.09.2018
- Vuosi 2018
- Tuoteryhmä Ulk keittokirjat
- Tuotepääryhmä Ulkomaiset kirjat
- Tuotelinja Kirjat
- Sivumäärä 240
- Pituus (mm) 308
- Leveys (mm) 224
- Korkeus (mm) 27
- Paino (g) 1584
- Tuotemuoto Kovakantinen
Tämä tuote kuuluu tuoteryhmiin
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