Prepper's Survival Bible: Learn Nuclear and Biological War Survival Skills, Stockpiling, Canning, Emergency Medicine. Life-Saving Strategies to, The
◆Prepare for any major catastrophe by adopting easy, affordable changes that will protect your loved ones in the cause of any major disaster.◆
Are you worried about a major catastrophe that may put your friends and family in danger?
Would you like to improve your self-confidence and become ... Lue lisää
◆Prepare for any major catastrophe by adopting easy, affordable changes that will protect your loved ones in the cause of any major disaster.◆
Are you worried about a major catastrophe that may put your friends and family in danger?
Would you like to improve your self-confidence and become ... Lue lisää
Are you worried about a major catastrophe that may put your friends and family in danger?
Would you like to improve your self-confidence and become more independent to show that you can thrive in life-threatening circumstances?
Think about being in these situations: Your darkest nightmares are coming true; there is indeed a major catastrophe.
Do you even have an idea of what you would do if either you or your family were in danger and you just had a few seconds to act?
The ONLY way to safeguard the people you care about and improve your chances of surviving when the worst does ultimately come is to be completely prepared.
And let's face it; the issue is not whether it will happen, but rather when.
Despite the fact that we have just experienced a pandemic, a war, several natural disasters, and more, people are still hesitant to take action.
Start preparing now if you don't want to find yourself and your family in a vulnerable position when a severe calamity occurs.
This eBook will precisely outline everything you must do to be ready for the worst.
You'll learn what you need to stock your pantry with inside to make sure you can feed your family for years to come.
◆Realistic off-grid living alternatives to assist you with locating sources of electricity, water, and other necessities.
◆Comprehensive advice on how to survive a variety of disasters, including nuclear blasts, financial crises, terrorist attacks, and much more.
◆Crucial guidance on how to save a ton of money by preserving and storing your own food.
◆Options for home defense to keep your property safe from attackers, as well as advice on how to choose the best weapons to keep you prepared!
◆First aid kits - Be aware of the organic ingredients you can use to stay fit and healthy.
◆Useful interactive activities that will nudge you to arm your family with the knowledge necessary to increase your chances later on.
◆And a lot more...
You'll be able to maintain your confidence in the knowledge that your family is safe, protected, and taken care of while everyone else is struggling to get by.
Imagine the relief and tranquility you will feel as well, knowing that you have taken all critical precautions.
It will make everything worthwhile.
Don't think twice.
There isn't much time left to take action, and the later you begin planning for the future, the more disorganized you'll be.
Don't let chaos kill you; take control of it.
Scroll up and press the "Add to Cart" button right away if you want to live a self-sufficient lifestyle safe in the knowledge that you are well-prepared for anything.
- Kustantaja / Valmistaja John White
- ISBN 9781803619569
- Tuotekoodi 9781803619569
- Kirjoittajat John White
- Kieli Englanti
- Ilmestymispäivä 16.12.2022
- Vuosi 2022
- Tuoteryhmä Ulk filosofia, psykologia
- Tuotepääryhmä Ulkomaiset kirjat
- Tuotelinja Kirjat
- Sivumäärä 104
- Avainsanat Safety & Security - Survival & Emergency Preparedness; Safety & Security (See Also Headings Under Self-Help - Safet
- Kirjastoluokka SEL
- Pituus (mm) 229
- Leveys (mm) 152
- Korkeus (mm) 6
- Paino (g) 150
- Tuotemuoto Pehmeäkantinen
- Tuotemuodon lisätiedot Trade pokkari (US)
Tämä tuote kuuluu tuoteryhmiin
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