Out of the Night
See, this was why York should put a GPS tracker on the woman he loved.Not that he would, but if he did, then he wouldn't show up in a town and see said woman trying to do a Spiderman along the face of a building.And, if York hadn't simply followed his instincts and taken off across the street she... Lue lisää
See, this was why York should put a GPS tracker on the woman he loved.Not that he would, but if he did, then he wouldn't show up in a town and see said woman trying to do a Spiderman along the face of a building.And, if York hadn't simply followed his instincts and taken off across the street she... Lue lisää
A steal-your-breath, fast-paced adventure from a master! Be prepared to have your heart warmed and ripped out at the same time! Warren's skilled craftsmanship pits an indefatigable RJ and rugged York against daunting enemies in this nonstop action and heart-pounding extension of the Montana Marshalls that we all love. Feed your kids, walk your dog, and grab a drink because once you dive in, there's no escaping! Ronie Kendig, bestselling and award-winning author
"The best parts of an action movie mixed with the best kind of romance. My heart is still pounding. You don't want to miss this series!" Lisa Phillips, USA Today bestselling author
When the request came to endorse Susie's books, I gave a quick yes! Why? Because I knew I'd have hours of enjoyment ahead of me. I wasn't wrong! What a fabulous trio of stories! With well crafted characters, adventure and romance, what more can a reader want? You do not want to miss this series. Lynette Eason - best-selling, award-winning author
Will he ever outrun trouble?
All former spy and current national security agent York Newgate wants is to propose to the woman he loves, RJ Marshall. Then they can move to Shelly, Washington, and start the calm, safe life he's been dreaming of for over a year.
Too bad trouble doesn't agree...
Or maybe RJ simply attracts trouble because she's just going out for coffee when she spots a wanted, known terrorist standing in the middle of a street in Paris. At least she thinks it's international criminal Alan Martin, the mastermind behind a plot to kill the president.
But he's in jail, right?
Wrong. Martin has escaped, and it's up to RJ-and York-to keep him in their sights until he can be apprehended. But chasing down Martin means following him into the darkness of whatever plot he's cooked up now.
So much for York's epic proposal. Now, he just wants to escape Europe with their lives.
The romantic trilogy ignites in book of the Epic Story of RJ and York!
Continue the adventure!Book 1: Out of the NightBook 2: I Will Find YouBook 3: No Matter the Cost
- Kustantaja / Valmistaja Sdg Publishing
- ISBN 9781943935598
- Tuotekoodi 9781943935598
- Kirjoittajat Susan May Warren
- Kieli Englanti
- Ilmestymispäivä 09.08.2022
- Vuosi 2022
- Tuoteryhmä Ulk romaanit, runot, sarjakuvat
- Tuotepääryhmä Ulkomaiset kirjat
- Tuotelinja Kirjat
- Genretunnus RO
- Sivumäärä 200
- Avainsanat Christian - Suspense; Romance - Suspense
- Kirjastoluokka FIC
- Pituus (mm) 216
- Leveys (mm) 140
- Korkeus (mm) 12
- Paino (g) 259
- Tuotemuoto Pehmeäkantinen
- Tuotemuodon lisätiedot Trade pokkari (US)
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