Necronomicon (Deluxe Edition): The Complete Anunnaki Bible (15th Anniversary)
Necronomicon... The Anunnaki Bible of Mesopotamia... Sumerians... Star-Gates of Babylon... "Anunnaki as Ancient Alien Gods"... The Igigi "Watchers" of the Old Testament... Religion, mythology and magic of a long-lost forgotten age... all of it preserved and presented in this much anticipated 15th... Lue lisää
Necronomicon... The Anunnaki Bible of Mesopotamia... Sumerians... Star-Gates of Babylon... "Anunnaki as Ancient Alien Gods"... The Igigi "Watchers" of the Old Testament... Religion, mythology and magic of a long-lost forgotten age... all of it preserved and presented in this much anticipated 15th... Lue lisää
Designed to make a prized addition to your personal library, this ground-breaking source book of esoteric archaeology has grown and continuously evolved through various versions and printings over the years. In all this time, it has reached the hands of thousands of Seers. Now, a new staff of publication officers has graced this Ninth Edition with over 400 corrections, edits and revisions, combined with a return of several articles removed from former printings along the way.
Necronomicon: The Complete Anunnaki Bible is the ultimate masterpiece of Mesopotamian magic, spirituality and history, providing a complete collection -- a grand symphony of correlated materials -- of the most ancient writings on the planet. The oldest Sumerian and Babylonian records reveal detailed accounts of cosmic history in the universe and on earth, the development of human history and descriptions of world order -- all of which were used to maintain spiritual and physical control of humanity -- proving to be the predecessor and foundation of global scripture-based religious and mystical traditions thereafter. These raw underground materials have shaped the existence of man's beliefs and traditions for thousands of years; right from the heart of the Ancient Near East: Sumer, Babylon and even Egypt!
Fifteen years since Joshua Free launched the modern Mardukite inception -- and with thousands of copies in print -- this presentation of a complete Anunnaki Bible is a revolutionary "New Age" advancement for authentic historical, spiritual and mystical research drawn from a unique unparalleled combination of archaeological findings and esoteric mystical magical traditions. Sumerian, Babylonian, Akkadian, Assyrian, Chaldean, Egyptian, Yezidic, Zoroastrian, Lovecraftian... and more. The heart and soul of humanity, from the cradle of civilization, is laid out clearly for all "Truth Seekers" to see -- in its pure and undefiled state.
A wellsprings of hidden information and historical research, cuneiform tablet transliterations and translations, and mystical and spiritual experimentation may all be found within the leaves of this new deluxe anniversary edition of the underground bestselling classic "Necronomicon: The Anunnaki Bible." This newly revised and corrected anthology guides the "Truth Seeker" through a beautiful presentation of the Ancient Mystery Tradition -- now accessible to anyone with any background. You will discover the original secrets of Hermetic Tradition, the "Book of Dzyan," various "Books of the Dead" and Underworld Mysteries, the origins of the books of Genesis and Enoch... You will, if you dare, unlock the forgotten and forbidden power of the Anunnaki Babylonian Star-Gates -- lore that predates, and is a basis of, Hebrew Kabbalah mysticism, from which much of the Western Magical Tradition is rooted.
Join thousands of others exploring these mysteries. Take a Self-honest moment in life now and invest yourself on the pathway of "true knowledge," where you may find the empowerment and enlightenment of "true experience" -- the true Gnosis.
- Kustantaja / Valmistaja Joshua Free
- ISBN 9798987124949
- Tuotekoodi 9798987124949
- Kirjoittajat Joshua Free
- Kieli Englanti
- Ilmestymispäivä 28.02.2023
- Vuosi 2023
- Tuoteryhmä Ulk terveys (lääket, eläinlääk)
- Tuotepääryhmä Ulkomaiset kirjat
- Tuotelinja Kirjat
- Sivumäärä 510
- Avainsanat Ancient Mysteries & Controversial Knowledge; Antiquities & Archaeology; Hermetism & Rosicrucianism
- Kirjastoluokka OCC
- Pituus (mm) 244
- Leveys (mm) 170
- Korkeus (mm) 38
- Paino (g) 1012
- Tuotemuoto Kovakantinen
- Tuotemuodon lisätiedot Lankasidos
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