Funny Feelings
A swoony story about friendship, love, and looking for the laugh in life, from the popular TikTok author, perfect for fans of B.K. Borison and Sarah Adams.
''Fake dating perfection . . . It''s everything I look for in a romance, deftly blending heart, humour, and the perfect amount of angs...
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A swoony story about friendship, love, and looking for the laugh in life, from the popular TikTok author, perfect for fans of B.K. Borison and Sarah Adams.
''Fake dating perfection . . . It''s everything I look for in a romance, deftly blending heart, humour, and the perfect amount of angs...
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''Fake dating perfection . . . It''s everything I look for in a romance, deftly blending heart, humour, and the perfect amount of angst'' AMY LEA
''Pure romance catnip and a master class in yearning. Tarah DeWitt''s writing simply wraps you up in joy. Cozy, tender, sexy, hilarious - I adored every word'' RACHEL LYNN SOLOMON
''Sweet, soft, and brimming with A+ pining, Funny Feelings is a perfect curl-up on the couch read'' ROSIE DANAN
''I still think of Daddy Meyer all the time. This book gave me actual LOL moments and so much swoon'' LANA FERGUSON
When falling in love is the punchline . . .
Farley Jones is a loud, chaotic, and hilariously clever standup comedian on the way to stardom. The only thing she loves more than the rush of telling jokes in front of a revved-up audience is her hot older manager Meyer, though he doesn''t have a clue. Keeping her feelings hidden from him is agony, but Meyer has been Farley''s closest and most treasured friend, not to mention vital to the trajectory of her career. She can''t risk ruining their relationship by telling him how she truly feels. After all, who else would have the patience to put up with a hot mess like her?
A former standup star himself, single father Meyer Harrigan left the stage years ago in order to focus on raising his deaf daughter Hazel. Farley has been everything to them since she came into their lives three years ago, and despite his grumpiness, his protectiveness over Hazel, and his disdain for public attention, Meyer will do anything to make her standup dreams come true.
When the biggest opportunity of Farley''s career comes along and forces the pair to fake-date in order to stir up publicity, it doesn''t take long for their act to bring all those other funny feelings out into the open. Like most matters of the heart, it quickly begins to feel like anything but a joke.
Readers say ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐!
''A booktok recommendation that was worth ALL the hype!! I absolutely ADORED this book!!!''
''Smart, funny, sexy, and insightful''
''A fun, touching and totally charmingly romantic story that you would have to be dead not to love''
''Everything I love about romance; it was full of sweet and funny moments, it was steamy and the plot was so fun''
Don''t miss Tarah''s other hit rom-coms, Rootbound and The Co-op - out now!
- Kustantaja / Valmistaja Little, Brown Book Group
- ISBN 9780349438948
- Tuotekoodi 9780349438948
- Alanimike A swoony friends-to-lovers rom-com about looking for the laughter in life
- Kirjoittajat Tarah DeWitt
- Kieli Englanti
- Thema-luokitus Romantiikka
- Ilmestymispäivä 17.10.2023
- Vuosi 2023
- Tuoteryhmä Ulk romaanit, runot, sarjakuvat
- Tuotepääryhmä Ulkomaiset kirjat
- Tuotelinja Kirjat
- Genretunnus RO
- Sivumäärä 320
- Pituus (mm) 127
- Leveys (mm) 199
- Korkeus (mm) 23
- Paino (g) 220
- Tuotemuoto Pehmeäkantinen
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