God Gave Us the Bible: Forty-Five Favorite Stories for Little Ones Kovakantinen, englanti

Lisa Tawn Bergren

God Gave Us the Bible: Forty-Five Favorite Stories for Little Ones

Lisa Tawn Bergren

FINALIST FOR THE CHRISTIAN BOOK AWARD(R) - Introducing a Bible storybook featuring 45 stories from the Bible, with reflections from adorable Little Cub and her friends--part of the bestselling God Gave Us series, with more than 5 million books sold! God Gave Us the Bible introduces kids to the ST... Lue lisää

Ikäsuositus 3+
Kovakantinen, englanti
20,95 €
Saatavuus: Arvioimme, että tuote lähtee kuljetukseen 20-30 arkipäivän kuluessa. Kokonaistoimitusaikaan vaikuttaa valittu toimitustapa. Tilaustuote.
Toimituskulut alk 0 €

FINALIST FOR THE CHRISTIAN BOOK AWARD(R) - Introducing a Bible storybook featuring 45 stories from the Bible, with reflections from adorable Little Cub and her friends--part of the bestselling God Gave Us series, with more than 5 million books sold! God Gave Us the Bible introduces kids to the ST... Lue lisää

FINALIST FOR THE CHRISTIAN BOOK AWARD(R) - Introducing a Bible storybook featuring 45 stories from the Bible, with reflections from adorable Little Cub and her friends--part of the bestselling God Gave Us series, with more than 5 million books sold! God Gave Us the Bible introduces kids to the STORY of stories--the love story between God and his people. Ideal for readers aged 3 to 7, written in a framework where Little Cub and her animal friends reflect many of the questions young readers have about Bible stories. The book features forty-five Bible stories and concepts that every child should know/be introduced to, like Noah and the Ark, the Birth of Jesus, and Jesus Feeds the 5,000 in a very warm, conversational, reassuring manner.

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